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Dual Language Immersion

Dual Language Immersion classrooms contain a mix of students who are Spanish dominant and English dominant. This mix of students will provide optimal interaction and learning. Students who enter the program do not have to understand or communicate in both languages. The program teaches students to speak, read, and write in Spanish, while maintaining a rigorous academic program in English. To benefit from the program, students need to participate through the fifth grade. 


Intent to Participate Information

Thank you for your interest in Ocean View School District's Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program at Harbour View Elementary School!

The 2025-2026 Intent to Participate in Ocean View's Dual Language Immersion Program will open January 24, 2025. Please click on the link below to fill out the form.

Dual Language Immersion Intent to Participate Form

Placement Process 

  1. Parent submits Dual Language Immersion Program Intent to Participate Form
  2. District fills classes based on English/Spanish composition 
    • Program Placement Notification in late Spring 2025

  3. District creates Wait Lists 

If your child is entering a grade level other than Kindergarten...

Requesting entrance into the Dual Language Immersion program after kindergarten is referred to as “late entry.” Late entry is possible at any grade if space is available and if the student meets language proficiency requirements. To ensure student success, the student must meet grade level academic skills in their native language and meet the minimum oral and written language proficiency requirements. To determine whether your student meets the minimum language proficiency requirements, school personnel will schedule an assessment after the Intent to Enroll Form is completed.

For more information, please contact Teaching and Learning Department Clerical Specialist-Bilingual, Liliana Montes, at or 714-847-2551 ext. 1302. 

Frequently Asked Questions

DLI Brochure


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