History of Measure R
History of Measure R
On November 8, 2016, the Ocean View School District successfully passed Measure R, a $169 million general obligation bond. Our Board of Trustees and District leadership are grateful for the tremendous support of the staff, unions, parents, and community, and we are ready to take the next steps in modernizing our schools. OVSD residents voted to pass the measure with over 57% of the vote.
Provided here are some of information materials produced during the decision-making process to pursue Measure R and to inform our stakeholders about the bond measure itself. We will continue to regularly and transparently communicate with our stakeholders during the bond process in 2017 and beyond.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are Ocean View School District schools doing?
Since 1874, the Ocean View School District has been providing students in Huntington Beach and portions of Fountain Valley, Westminster, and Midway City with an excellent education. The OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT has multiple National Blue Ribbon and Distinguished Schools in the district. Three of our schools have received the prestigious Golden Bell Award from the California School Boards Association and Lake View is a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) school. Good schools improve the quality of life in our community and protect the value of our homes.
Why do we need Measure R?
Most Ocean View School District schools were built more than 50 years ago and need to be upgraded. Measure R makes essential repairs and improvements so that our schools can serve our students and community well for the decades to come. Local schools also need updates to continue providing students with a 21st-century education — a solid background in science and math, and the skills they need to use today’s technologies and ensure their success in high school, college, and careers. Measure R addresses these needs and improves local school facilities for the future.
Specifically, what will Measure R do?
The Ocean View School District developed a comprehensive Facilities Master Plan that outlines major facility needs at each school site. This plan can be viewed online at www.Ocean View School District-fmp.org.
What will happen if Measure R doesn’t pass?
If Measure R doesn’t pass, improvements will be very limited and come at a much slower pace. Failing to address facilities needs soon will cause problems to become even more costly to repair in the future. Without Measure R funds, our district will have a difficult time competing with neighboring school districts that have invested improving their schools. Families seek out the safest, most modern school facilities that support a high quality education to prepare students for success in college and careers. Without Measure R, the OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT schools will be behind other school districts in our region.
Will all funds benefit OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT schools?
Yes. Every penny from Measure R will benefit local schools and be controlled locally. None of the funds can be taken away by the State or go to other communities.
How do I know Measure R funds will be used responsibly?
Measure R includes strict fiscal accountability provisions to ensure funds are spent wisely:
How much will Measure R cost?
Measure R will generate up to $169 million for school improvements. The cost of this measure would be limited to $30 per $100,000 in assessed value (not market value) annually or about $109 per year for the typical homeowner for as long as bonds are outstanding.
Can the State adequately fund upgrades to our schools?
No. The State is not currently funding school facility improvements. Until 2014, school districts could count on the State for approximately 40% of school improvement costs. However, today it is up to local communities to protect, maintain and improve our local schools and support high achievement for all students. That’s why passing Measure R is so important.
Is there a comprehensive list of the projects by site that could be funded by Measure R?
Yes. A detailed Facilities Master Plan and a full list of projects can be found online at www.Ocean View School District-fmp.org.
Will Measure R help our district qualify for state matching funds?
Yes. Measure R will allow our school district to access these state dollars should they become available. Without passage of Measure R, state matching funds will go to other districts.
Is there any other way to repair, update, and improve our schools?
Like all public school districts, OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT has very few options when it comes to funding the necessary renovations and upgrades to our local schools. Our schools can’t rely on the State to complete these repairs. Measure R would provide the local control necessary to complete prioritized projects to provide a safe and modern learning environment for our students.
When will Measure R appear on the ballot?
Measure R is on the November 8, 2016 ballot. To pass, Measure R must be supported by 55% of those who vote. All registered voters in OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT will be eligible to vote on the measure.
How many votes does Measure R need to pass?
In order to pass, Measure R must be supported by 55% of those who vote on it.
How can I find out more information about voting or registering to vote?
You can register to vote by visiting www.RegisterToVote.ca.gov or by calling the Orange County Registrar of Voters at (714) 567-7600. Visit www.OCVote.com for more information about voting. The deadline to register to vote in time to vote in this election is October 24.
Improving student safety and campus security systems, including security fencing, security cameras, emergency communications systems, smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinklers
Repairing or replacing deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating, ventilation, and electrical systems
Providing the equipment and educational technology needed to support high-quality instruction in science, reading, music, arts, and math
Improving access to school facilities for students with disabilities
Ensuring that children’s playground equipment and play areas meet current health and safety standards
All funds stay in Ocean View School District to support our local elementary students – Sacramento cannot take a single penny
No Measure R money can be used for administrators’ salaries or benefits
A Citizens’ Oversight Committee and annual independent audits are required to ensure all funds are spent according to voter-approved priorities
What Should I Know About OVSD Facilities
Why Is OVSD Considering A Bond – Measure R?
In order to continue to be the pride of our community and create a first-class educational experience for our students, OVSD must provide updated 21st Century learning environments, which include functional, efficient school facilities to encourage and support student learning.
Our current Prop 98-school funding mechanism does not provide funding for long-term capital facilities improvements of schools, leaving many California school districts to seek community support for General Obligation (GO) bonds to fund school modernization. GO bonds are the primary funding source used for capital improvements for schools in California.
About Facility Improvements In OVSD
Creating Our Plan: We recently completed a comprehensive Facilities Master Plan with tremendous family and community input that identified and prioritized multiple projects for school improvements. (See the FMP at www.ovsd-fmp.org) These include:
Important Facts About Measure R
We Are Positioned Now: At this time, the Ocean View School District has a strong and cohesive working relationship among our Board, District and School Administrators, union leadership (CSEA and OVTA), and our parent organizations. There is growing confidence within our schools and communities about OVSD’s credibility and reputation. There is an ongoing commitment from our new Superintendent and Executive Cabinet to work collaboratively with employees and families. This means that WE ARE ALL positioned to do great things, together, for the future of students in OVSD!
Have more questions? Read our Frequently Asked Questions about Measure R.
Students learn best when taught in updated, safe, and efficient facilities.
Facilities improvements are needed in OVSD—most of our schools are over 50 years old.
Residents do not currently pay bond taxes for OVSD. The majority of local communities carry bond debt.
Our schools are outdated and lack adequate electrical, plumbing, and other infrastructure.
Many of our air conditioning and heating units are old, and become unusable when they break.
We lack adequate funding for fencing, gates, and other security measures, such as security cameras.
We have portable classrooms that are old and need replacing.
Repairing or replacing deteriorating roofs, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems
Providing the equipment and infrastructure to support high-quality instruction in science, reading, music, arts, and math
Improving student safety and campus security systems, such as fencing, cameras, and emergency communication systems
Updating children’s playground equipment and playing fields
Providing appropriate access to school facilities for students with disabilities
If passed, GO bond monies could not be taken away by the State or used for other purposes.
The average cost to property owners is $30 per $100,000 of assessed value. The average cost per household in OVSD is about $110 per year. (Visit www.ocgov.com/gov/assessor to learn about assessed value)
A Citizens’ Oversight Committee and independent audits would be required.
If OVSD sells property, we would lose valuable income that we currently generate from leases.
GO bond monies cannot be spent on teacher or administrator salaries.