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Class Placement for 2024-25

May 14, 2024

The Ocean View School District is committed to a high-quality education for all students. One way we support this commitment is the appropriate placement of students in classrooms. Each year, principals engage with teachers to create classes for the following year. Many things are taken into consideration, including academic strengths/needs, English fluency, boy/girl ratios, potential peer conflicts, and parent/guardian input.

We welcome your input, particularly in two main areas: 1) students whom it would be best to keep separate and 2) specific characteristics of the desired classroom environment. In order for your input to be considered, the following guidelines must be adhered to:

  • Input must be received by May 31, 2024. Late input will not be accepted due to class creation timelines.
  • Input must be in writing, either on this form or through email.
  • It is understood that parent/guardian input is one of numerous considerations and parents/guardians may not agree with decisions. At the start of the school year, approved classroom changes do not occur for at least two weeks.
  • Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to describe the classroom environment they desire. Principals visit classrooms weekly and there may be multiple classrooms that meet the desired environment.
  • Parents/guardians are strongly discouraged from making a teacher request. Parent/guardian input is one of a variety of factors considered, and teacher requests do not provide adequate information to make a decision.

Your support of the final class assignment is greatly appreciated. Some students may be disappointed when they are not in class with friends or they do not get an older sibling’s teacher; however experience has shown that students will adjust to the disappointment more quickly with your support. We welcome your input and take the placement of your child seriously. Thank you for trusting the Ocean View School District with your child’s education.

Alice Lee, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services 

*Please fill out and submit your Class Placement Input Form for your child: 

Class Placement Form English

Class Placement Form Spanish

Class Placement Form Vietnamese