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Personnel Commission

What is the Personnel Commission?

Since 1966, Ocean View's Personnel Commission has ensured that fair and efficient methods are used to hire and retain the most qualified classified employees based upon merit and fitness without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, political affiliation, national origin, or disability which may be reasonably accommodated, and with proper regard for their privacy and constitutional rights as citizens.

The Personnel Commission at Ocean View is an independent body made up of three community volunteers each appointed for three year terms. By law, one member of the Commission is appointed by the District's Board of Trustees, one member by the classified employees (California School Employees Association Chapter #375), with those two appointees jointly agreeing on the selection of the third Commissioner.

To be eligible for appointment or reappointment to the Commission a person shall (a) be a registered voter within the jurisdiction of the school district and (b) be a known adherent to the principles of the merit system. Reappointment is conditioned upon successful demonstration and support of Merit System principles and practices. Commissioners serve without pay, donating their time and talents to serve the District, classified employees and the entire Ocean View Community.  

Goals of the Personnel Commission

  • Recruit qualified applicants and provide timely eligibility lists to hiring authorities
  • Conduct job description reviews on a 3 year cycle to ensure meeting changing requirements of the jobs
  • Develop new classes to meet changing needs of the District
  • Review and update the Merit Rules to improve, clarify, and keep current with changes in State and Federal laws
  • Maintain communication with classified employees and the public by enhancing the Personnel Commission's web page

Functions of the Personnel Commission

Authority for Personnel Commission functions is provided by Section 45220 through 45320 of the State Education Code (EC) and appropriate sections of the Government Code.

  • Establishes eligibility lists for appointment or promotion. (EC 45272 through EC 45284)
  • Prescribes and amends rules and regulations as necessary to ensure the efficiency of the classified service and retention of employees on the basis of merit and fitness. (EC 45260)
  • Maintains a classification plan which groups positions into job categories on the basis of assigned duties and responsibilities. (EC 45256, EC 45285, EC 45285.5)
  • Recommends salaries to the governing board. (EC 45268)
  • Investigates and conducts hearings on appeals of disciplinary actions and other matters within the Commission's authority. The Commission provides an impartial, neutral forum within, which many classified employee concerns may be resolved in an orderly, expeditious and cost effective manner. (EC 45305)
  • Establishes and maintains permanent confidential personnel records for all of the District's classified employees.
  • Serves as a resource to the District and CSEA Chapter 375, in their collective bargaining to establish negotiable terms and conditions of employment for employees in the CSEA represented bargaining unit.
  • Coordinates the administration of professional growth and service recognition programs and activities for classified employees
  • Provides for training of its own staff. (EC 45255)