Board Communications
October 10, 2024
Dear Ocean View Families,
We understand you may have received a campaign mailer with inaccurate information regarding the District’s instructional program. When it comes to our students and their curriculum we are committed to transparency and truth which is why we want to share the facts.
Ocean View School District’s instructional program, based on the California State Standards, is focused on reading, writing, math, social studies, and science. A foundational component of every grade level is age and developmentally-appropriate instruction, content, and texts. We are committed to preparing your child for their future endeavors.
Every June, Comprehensive Sexual Education is taught to eighth-grade students only. No other grade level participates in any sexual education program. Before the lessons are taught, parents are notified about the program, given an opportunity to review the five lessons, and informed of their right to opt their children out, should they choose. To ensure the appropriateness of the content for eighth graders, many interested parents and community members have reviewed the program over the years.
We thank you for your continued support of the Ocean View School District. We value you -- our parents/guardians who trust our staff and schools with the education of your children.
Jack Souders, President
Board of Trustees
Ocean View School District